create table schools (
school_id integer not null primary key,
school_name varchar2(30) not null
create table students (
student_id integer not null primary key,
parent_id integer not null,
school_id integer not null
create table school_attendance (
references schools ( school_id ) not null,
references students ( student_id ) not null,
primary key (
school_id, student_id
create or replace procedure init as
num_students constant pls_integer := 5000;
delete school_attendance;
delete schools;
delete students;
insert into students
with rws as (
select level student_id,
mod ( level, ( num_students / 2 ) ) + 1 parent_id,
mod ( level, 5 ) + 1 school_id
from dual
connect by level <= num_students
select * from rws;
insert into schools values ( 1, 'Java Junior' );
insert into schools values ( 2, 'Haskell High' );
insert into schools values ( 3, 'SQL School' );
insert into schools values ( 4, 'C College' );
insert into schools values ( 5, 'Ada Academy' );
end init;
exec init();
The tutorials in this series so far have focussed on tuning a single SQL statement. But often you need to do analysis to find what the slowest SQL is!
To do this, you should profile the code that is running when "the database is slow". This captures SQL execution details for the session that runs the statements the customer is complaining about.
This tutorial introduces the tools in Oracle Database to help you profile SQL and PL/SQL execution.
Live SQL has restricted capabilities. Call to run SQL traces in this tutorial will fail. You can copy/paste these into your own environment to see how they work.
Create this procedure to add student attendance entries for schools:
create or replace procedure drop_off_students (
school integer
) as
att_count pls_integer;
for studs in (
select student_id
from students
where school_id = school
) loop
select count (*) into att_count
from school_attendance
where student_id = studs.student_id
and school_id = school;
if att_count = 0 then
insert into school_attendance ( student_id, school_id )
values ( studs.student_id, school );
end if;
end loop;
end drop_off_students;
create or replace procedure start_school as
for s in (
select school_id from schools
) loop
drop_off_students ( s.school_id );
end loop;
end start_school;
To capture SQL execution details for all statements in a session, you can run a SQL trace. Do this with DBMS_monitor.session_trace_enable:
exec sys.dbms_monitor.session_trace_enable ( waits => true, binds => true );
exec start_school ();
exec sys.dbms_monitor.session_trace_disable ();
Note: Live SQL does not support running a SQL trace, so the calls to dbms_monitor will error
This creates a trace file on the database server. You can also use this to capture execution details for other sessions.
Once you've traced a session, you need to get the log file. This is on the database server. But it's rare you'll have access to this!
To overcome this, you can query a trace file using V$DIAG_TRACE_FILE_CONTENTS. This enables you to read the file using SQL. Export the table to a local file using spool or similar so you can analyse the trace:
set serveroutput off set pagesize 0 set echo off set feedback off set trimspool on set heading off set tab off spool c:\temp\trace-file.trc select payload from v$diag_trace_file_contents where trace_filename = ( select substr ( value, instr ( value, '/', -1 ) + 1 ) filename from v$diag_info where name = 'Default Trace File' ) order by line_number; spool off
A raw trace file is hard to read. To get it in a better format, the command line tool TKPROF parses the file.
The basic syntax for TKPROF is:
tkprof trace_file_name.trc output_filename.txt
You run TKPROF from the operating system command line, it's NOT a SQL statement!
In the file you'll see each SQL command, its run time stats and execution plan. For example, the formatted trace file captured by the process in Tracing SQL Execution will include these statements:
SQL ID: akvmgkngc3u8t Plan Hash: 1674119367 SELECT COUNT (*) FROM SCHOOL_ATTENDANCE WHERE STUDENT_ID = :B2 AND SCHOOL_ID = :B1 call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Execute 10000 1.84 2.23 0 0 1 0 Fetch 10000 0.13 0.13 0 19559 0 10000 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 20001 1.97 2.37 0 19559 1 10000 Misses in library cache during parse: 1 Misses in library cache during execute: 2 Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS Parsing user id: 107 (recursive depth: 1) Number of plan statistics captured: 1 Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max) Row Source Operation ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------- 1 1 1 SORT AGGREGATE (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=11 us starts=1) 0 0 0 INDEX UNIQUE SCAN SYS_C0013583 (cr=0 pr=0 pw=0 time=3 us starts=1 cost=1 size=26 card=1)(object id 82226) ******************************************************************************** SQL ID: 3zdbqjbhkhbjn Plan Hash: 0 INSERT INTO SCHOOL_ATTENDANCE ( STUDENT_ID, SCHOOL_ID ) VALUES ( :B2 , :B1 ) call count cpu elapsed disk query current rows ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- Parse 1 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 Execute 10000 3.79 4.07 0 422 61525 10000 Fetch 0 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 ------- ------ -------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- ---------- total 10001 3.79 4.07 0 422 61525 10000 Misses in library cache during parse: 1 Misses in library cache during execute: 1 Optimizer mode: ALL_ROWS Parsing user id: 107 (recursive depth: 1) Number of plan statistics captured: 1 Rows (1st) Rows (avg) Rows (max) Row Source Operation ---------- ---------- ---------- --------------------------------------------------- 0 0 0 LOAD TABLE CONVENTIONAL SCHOOL_ATTENDANCE (cr=5 pr=0 pw=0 time=759 us starts=1)
This shows you that:
You can also see the execution plan for the statements. The query did an INDEX UNIQUE SCAN. The stats reported are for one execution.
Given this analysis, what would you suggest to make this process faster?
TKPROF is included in the client tools for Oracle Database. You can also open a trace file in Oracle SQL Developer to get it in a readable format.
SQL is just part of each process. There will also be some non-SQL code to call the statement, process its results, etc. In some cases the application code may take longer than the SQL!
So when performance tuning, it's important you profile all the code. Exactly how you do this depends on the programming language you're using. For PL/SQL code, you can use the hierarchical profiler.
This uses DBMS_HProf to capture execution details. Do this by calling:
This snippet outlines how to do this:
truncate table school_attendance;
exec dbms_hprof.create_tables ( true );
run pls_integer;
run := dbms_hprof.start_profiling ();
start_school ();
dbms_output.put_line ( run );
To analyze the profile and persist it to database tables, run:
analysis_id pls_integer;
analysis_id := dbms_hprof.analyze ( 1, run_comment => 'Test run' );
This stores the execution breakdown in these tables:
select * from dbmshp_function_info;
select * from dbmshp_parent_child_info;
To view the hierarchy, you need to use a hierarchical query! This view saves this query and adds formatting to make the results easier to understand:
create or replace view execution_stats as
with execution_stats as (
select fi.runid,
rtrim(fi.module || '.' || nullif(fi.function,fi.module), '.') as unit,
nvl(pci.subtree_elapsed_time, fi.subtree_elapsed_time) as subtree_elapsed_time,
nvl(pci.function_elapsed_time, fi.function_elapsed_time) as function_elapsed_time,
nvl(pci.calls, fi.calls) as calls,
from dbmshp_function_info fi
left join dbmshp_parent_child_info pci
on fi.runid = pci.runid
and fi.symbolid = pci.childsymid
where fi.module != 'DBMS_HPROF'
), execution_tree as (
select runid,
rpad(' ', (level-1)*2, ' ') || unit as unit,
from execution_stats
start with parentsymid is null
connect by parentsymid = prior symbolid
and runid = prior runid
select * from execution_tree;
Querying this view returns the execution details:
select * from execution_stats;
The key columns to review are:
If the code is a SQL statement, the profiler will populate the SQL_ID and SQL_TEXT columns. You can also use the NAMESPACE to filter either SQL or PL/SQL execution stats.
To find the parts that run the longest, sort by the FUNCTION_ELAPSED_TIME descending:
select unit, function_elapsed_time, calls, sql_text
from execution_stats
order by function_elapsed_time desc;
Once you've found the slowest parts of the program, you can find ways to make it faster. In this example, the INSERT and SELECT COUNT(*) take the longest, accounting for 90% of the program's runtime. These statements are executed thousands of times each, a sign that you can make gains by reducing the number of calls to these statements.
Using what you've learned in this course and the results of the PL/SQL profile captured above, change the tables and start_school procedure to make it faster:
create or replace procedure drop_off_students (
school integer
) as
att_count pls_integer;
for studs in (
select student_id
from students
where school_id = school
) loop
select count (*) into att_count
from school_attendance
where student_id = studs.student_id
and school_id = school;
if att_count = 0 then
insert into school_attendance ( student_id, school_id )
values ( studs.student_id, school );
end if;
end loop;
end drop_off_students;
create or replace procedure start_school as
for s in (
select school_id from schools
) loop
drop_off_students ( s.school_id );
end loop;
end start_school;
Once you've made your changes, profile start_school again to see what difference they make:
alter session set statistics_level = all;
run pls_integer;
analysis_id pls_integer;
dbms_hprof.create_tables ( true );
execute immediate
'truncate table school_attendance';
run := dbms_hprof.start_profiling ();
start_school ();
dbms_output.put_line ( run );
analysis_id := dbms_hprof.analyze ( run, run_comment => 'Test run' );
select unit, function_elapsed_time, calls, sql_text
from execution_stats
order by function_elapsed_time desc;
You may hit space limits (ORA-01536: space quota exceeded) when running this. If you do, run the profiler a second time. This should resolve the issue.
How fast can you get this procedure to execute?