create table match_results (
match_date date,
location varchar2(20),
home_team_name varchar2(20),
away_team_name varchar2(20),
home_team_points integer,
away_team_points integer
insert into match_results values ( date'2018-01-01', 'Snowley', 'Underrated United', 'Terrible Town', 2, 0 );
insert into match_results values ( date'2018-01-01', 'Coldgate', 'Average Athletic', 'Champions City', 1, 4 );
insert into match_results values ( date'2018-02-01', 'Dorwall', 'Terrible Town', 'Average Athletic', 0, 1 );
insert into match_results values ( date'2018-03-01', 'Coldgate', 'Average Athletic', 'Underrated United', 3, 3 );
insert into match_results values ( date'2018-03-02', 'Newdell', 'Champions City', 'Terrible Town', 8, 0 );
You want to see how many games have been played in each location. You can do this with group by:
select location, count (*)
from match_results
group by location;
But you want to show the locations as columns instead of rows. To do this you need to pivot the results.
You can do this by defining a column for each location. Each must only include rows where the location matches the column name.
Count only considers non-null values. So you can do this by checking the location inside the count. If this equals the column name, return a constant. Otherwise null.
You can do this with a case expression like:
count ( case when location = '<location>' then 1 end ) <location>
The complete SQL query is:
select count ( case when location = 'Snowley' then 1 end ) snowley,
count ( case when location = 'Coldgate' then 1 end ) coldgate,
count ( case when location = 'Dorwall' then 1 end ) dorwall,
count ( case when location = 'Newdell' then 1 end ) newdell
from match_results;
A manual pivot is clunky. It's easy to make mistakes and hard to read when you have many columns.
The pivot clause, introduced in Oracle Database 11g, allows you to do the same more easily.
To use it, specify three things:
Altogether this gives:
with rws as (
select location from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count(*) for location in (
'Snowley', 'Coldgate', 'Dorwall', 'Newdell'
Now if you need more locations, add them to the IN list!
Complete this query to show the locations as columns, with date of the last match played in each:
Hint: to find the last date in a set, use max
with rws as (
select location, match_date from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
for location in (
'Snowley', 'Coldgate', 'Dorwall', 'Newdell'
The output of this query should be:
'Snowley' 'Coldgate' 'Dorwall' 'Newdell' 01-JAN-2018 01-MAR-2018 01-FEB-2018 02-MAR-2018
Complete this query to show the team names as columns, with the number of home games each has played:
with rws as (
select home_team_name from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*)
in (
The team names are:
And the output of this query should be:
'Underrated United' 'Average Athletic' 'Terrible Town' 'Champions City' 1 2 1 1
Any columns from the input table not in the pivot clause form an implicit group by. This can lead to the output having more rows than you expected.
For example, if you place pivot after the from clause, all the table's columns are inputs to it. So you get one row for every match
select * from match_results
pivot (
count(*) for location in (
'Snowley', 'Coldgate', 'Dorwall', 'Newdell'
To avoid this, use an inline view or CTE. This selects only the columns you'll use in the pivot or want in the final output
Sometimes you may want to manipulate the values you're pivoting by. For example, you may want to see the number of games played each month, showing the months as columns.
So you need to convert the match dates to months. You can extract a month's abbreviation from a date using to_char with the format mask 'MON'.
But if you do this in your pivot clause, you'll get an error:
with rws as (
select match_date from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) in (
'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR'
To fix this, extract the month in an inline view or CTE. Alias the expression and use this alias in the pivot. For example:
with rws as (
select to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) match_month
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for match_month in (
'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR'
Often you want to change values in the columns you're pivoting on. This and pivot's implicit grouping means it's a good idea to pivot the output of a CTE. This makes it easy to select and manipulate the columns you want.
You can filter the output of pivot using a where clause. This goes after the pivot.
For example, say you want to show a table of the number of matches played each month in each location. You can do this with:
with rws as (
select location, to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) match_month
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for match_month in (
'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR'
If you want to restrict this to those locations which had at least one match in January, add the where clause "'JAN'" > 0 at the end:
with rws as (
select location, to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) match_month
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for match_month in (
'JAN', 'FEB', 'MAR'
where "'JAN'" > 0
By default, the names of the new columns are the values from the IN list, wrapped in quotes. This can make your SQL fiddly. To reference the new columns, you must use double AND single quotes.
To simplify this, alias each value in the list:
with rws as (
select location, to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) match_month
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for match_month in (
'JAN' jan, 'FEB' feb, 'MAR' mar
This makes it easier to filter the values from the previous list:
with rws as (
select location, to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) match_month
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for match_month in (
'JAN' jan, 'FEB' feb, 'MAR' mar
where jan > 0;
Complete the following query to show:
with rws as (
select location,
to_char ( match_date, 'DY' ) match_day
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) for match_day in (
'MON' , 'TUE' , 'WED' , 'THU' ,
'FRI' , 'SAT' , 'SUN'
where mon
order by location
to_char ( match_date, 'DY' ) returns the three-letter abbreviation of the day for the date.
The output of this query should be:
LOCATION MON TUE WED THU FRI SAT SUN Coldgate 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 Snowley 1 0 0 0 0 0 0
You can pivot many values. For example, say for each month you want columns showing:
You can do this by adding:
To the first part of the pivot. Note you must alias all except one of these. The generated column names are the aliases appended to the IN list headings:
with rws as (
select location, to_char ( match_date, 'MON' ) match_month ,
home_team_points, away_team_points
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
count (*) matches,
sum ( home_team_points ) home_points,
sum ( away_team_points ) away_points
for match_month in (
'JAN' jan, 'FEB' feb, 'MAR' mar
Each new aggregate will have a new column for every value in the IN list. So the total number of new columns is:
Number of aggregate columns * Number of IN list values
Complete the following query to show for each location:
with rws as (
select location, home_team_points, away_team_points
from match_results
select * from rws
pivot (
for location in (
'Snowley' snowley, 'Coldgate' coldgate,
'Dorwall' dorwall, 'Newdell' newdell
The output of this query should be:
Often you'll want to change the columns pivot adds. For example, in many leagues the teams change each season. So every year you'll need to change queries that pivot by location. It'd be handy if these changed dynamically.
Sadly regular pivot doesn't allow you to do this. The values in the IN list are fixed. You can't use subqueries or variables to change them.
Luckily you can have a dynamic IN list using XML pivoting. This enables you to pass values from a subquery. Or generate totals for every value in the pivot column using ANY:
with rws as (
select location
from match_results
select xmlserialize ( -- formats an XML document
document location_xml as clob indent size=2
) location_xml
from rws
pivot xml (
count (*) matches for location in ( any )
But you get the pivoted values as a single XML document! So to extract the values, you need to manipulate the XML.
Unpivoting is the process of taking columns and converting them to rows. For example, you may want to convert the home & away team names to a single team column.
You can do a DIY unpivot using union all. This will query the source table once for each column you want to become a row.
For example, to get a row for the home and away teams for each match, you need two queries like so:
select match_date, location, 'HOME' home_or_away, home_team_name team
from match_results
union all
select match_date, location, 'AWAY' home_or_away, away_team_name team
from match_results
order by match_date, location, home_or_away;
Instead you could use the unpivot clause. This was also introduced in Oracle Database 11g and makes unpivoting easier.
This gives the following statement:
select match_date, location, home_or_away, team
from match_results
unpivot (
team for home_or_away in (
home_team_name as 'HOME', away_team_name as 'AWAY'
order by match_date, location, home_or_away;
Complete the following query to unpivot the home and away points for each match:
select match_date, location, home_or_away, points
from match_results
unpivot (
home_or_away in (
home_team_points as 'HOME', away_team_points as 'AWAY'
order by match_date, location, home_or_away;
This should give this output:
MATCH_DATE LOCATION HOME_OR_AWAY POINTS 01-JAN-2018 Coldgate AWAY 4 01-JAN-2018 Coldgate HOME 1 01-JAN-2018 Snowley AWAY 0 01-JAN-2018 Snowley HOME 2 01-FEB-2018 Dorwall AWAY 1 01-FEB-2018 Dorwall HOME 0 01-MAR-2018 Coldgate AWAY 3 01-MAR-2018 Coldgate HOME 3 02-MAR-2018 Newdell AWAY 0 02-MAR-2018 Newdell HOME 8
You can combine pivot and unpivot a single statement. The output from the first becomes the input to the second.
For example, say you want to produce a league table from the match results. For each team this will show the number of games they've won, drawn, and lost.
To do this, you need several steps:
First, compare the home and away team points to find out whether each won, lost or drew.
Then, to count up the number of outcomes for each team, you need one column with all the names. To do this, you need to unpivot home and away, giving single column of team names.
Finally, to get the league table, you need to pivot the number of wins, losses, and draws for each team.
This gives a statement like:
with rws as (
select home_team_name, away_team_name,
when home_team_points > away_team_points then 'WON'
when home_team_points < away_team_points then 'LOST'
else 'DRAW'
end home_team_result,
when home_team_points < away_team_points then 'WON'
when home_team_points > away_team_points then 'LOST'
else 'DRAW'
end away_team_result
from match_results
select team, w, d, l
from rws
unpivot (
( team, result ) for home_or_away in (
( home_team_name, home_team_result ) as 'HOME',
( away_team_name, away_team_result ) as 'AWAY'
pivot (
count (*), min ( home_or_away ) dummy
for result in (
order by w desc, d desc, l;