select employee_id, first_name, last_name, email,
phone_number, job_id, salary, commission_pct,
manager_id, department_id
from hr.employees
EMPLOYEE_ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | PHONE_NUMBER | JOB_ID | SALARY | COMMISSION_PCT | MANAGER_ID | DEPARTMENT_ID | 100 | Steven | King | SKING | 515.123.4567 | AD_PRES | 24000 | - | - | 90 | 101 | Neena | Kochhar | NKOCHHAR | 515.123.4568 | AD_VP | 17000 | - | 100 | 90 | 102 | Lex | De Haan | LDEHAAN | 515.123.4569 | AD_VP | 17000 | - | 100 | 90 | 103 | Alexander | Hunold | AHUNOLD | 590.423.4567 | IT_PROG | 9000 | - | 102 | 60 | 104 | Bruce | Ernst | BERNST | 590.423.4568 | IT_PROG | 6000 | - | 103 | 60 |
select * except hire_date
from hr.employees
ORA-00923: FROM keyword not found where expectedMore Details:
Top-N per group
with rws as (
select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,
row_number() over (
partition by department_id
order by hire_date
) rn
from hr.employees e
select * from rws
where rn <= 3
EMPLOYEE_ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | RN | 200 | Jennifer | Whalen | 1 | 201 | Michael | Hartstein | 1 | 202 | Pat | Fay | 2 | 114 | Den | Raphaely | 1 | 115 | Alexander | Khoo | 2 |
Remove columns PTF spec
create or replace package except_cols_pkg as
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
except_cols dbms_tf.columns_t
) return dbms_tf.describe_t;
end except_cols_pkg;
Package created.
Remove columns PTF body
create or replace package body except_cols_pkg as
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
except_cols dbms_tf.columns_t
) return dbms_tf.describe_t as
for i in 1 .. tab.column.count loop
if tab.column(i)
member of except_cols then
tab.column(i).for_read := false;
tab.column(i).pass_through := false;
end if;
end loop;
return dbms_tf.describe_t ();
end describe;
end except_cols_pkg;
Package Body created.
Remove columns PTF function
create or replace function except_cols (
tab table,
except_cols columns
) return table pipelined
row polymorphic
using except_cols_pkg;
Function created.
Remove columns PTF examples
select *
from except_cols (
columns ( employee_id, phone, salary, commission_pct, manager_id, job_id )
FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | PHONE_NUMBER | HIRE_DATE | DEPARTMENT_ID | Steven | King | SKING | 515.123.4567 | 17-JUN-03 | 90 | Neena | Kochhar | NKOCHHAR | 515.123.4568 | 21-SEP-05 | 90 | Lex | De Haan | LDEHAAN | 515.123.4569 | 13-JAN-01 | 90 | Alexander | Hunold | AHUNOLD | 590.423.4567 | 03-JAN-06 | 60 | Bruce | Ernst | BERNST | 590.423.4568 | 21-MAY-07 | 60 |
Remove columns PTF examples
select *
from except_cols (
columns ( department_id )
DEPARTMENT_NAME | MANAGER_ID | LOCATION_ID | Administration | 200 | 1700 | Marketing | 201 | 1800 | Purchasing | 114 | 1700 | Human Resources | 203 | 2400 | Shipping | 121 | 1500 |
Filtering excluded columns
with rws as (
select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,
row_number() over (
partition by department_id
order by hire_date
) rn
from hr.employees e
select *
from except_cols ( rws, columns ( rn ) )
where rn <= 3
ORA-00904: "RN": invalid identifierMore Details:
Filtering excluded columns
with rws as (
select e.employee_id, e.first_name, e.last_name,
row_number() over (
partition by department_id
order by hire_date
) rn
from hr.employees e
), top_n_rows as (
select * from rws
where rn <= 3
select *
from except_cols ( top_n_rows, columns ( rn ) )
EMPLOYEE_ID | FIRST_NAME | LAST_NAME | DEPARTMENT_ID | 200 | Jennifer | Whalen | 10 | 201 | Michael | Hartstein | 20 | 202 | Pat | Fay | 20 | 114 | Den | Raphaely | 30 | 115 | Alexander | Khoo | 30 |
Remove columns or types overloaded PTF spec
create or replace package except_cols_pkg as
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
except_cols dbms_tf.columns_t
) return dbms_tf.describe_t;
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
except_type varchar2
) return dbms_tf.describe_t;
function except_cols (
tab table,
except_cols columns
) return table pipelined
row polymorphic
using except_cols_pkg;
function except_cols (
tab table,
except_type varchar2
) return table pipelined
row polymorphic
using except_cols_pkg;
end except_cols_pkg;
Package created.
Remove columns or types overloaded PTF body
create or replace package body except_cols_pkg as
/* Remove by column names */
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
except_cols dbms_tf.columns_t
) return dbms_tf.describe_t as
for i in 1 .. tab.column.count loop
if tab.column(i)
member of except_cols then
tab.column(i).for_read := false;
tab.column(i).pass_through := false;
end if;
end loop;
return dbms_tf.describe_t ();
end describe;
/* Remove by column type */
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
except_type varchar2
) return dbms_tf.describe_t as
for i in 1 .. tab.column.count loop
if dbms_tf.column_type_name (
) = upper ( except_type ) then
tab.column(i).for_read := false;
tab.column(i).pass_through := false;
end if;
end loop;
return dbms_tf.describe_t ();
end describe;
end except_cols_pkg;
Package Body created.
Remove by type example
select *
from except_cols_pkg.except_cols ( hr.departments, 'number' )
DEPARTMENT_NAME | Administration | Marketing | Purchasing | Human Resources | Shipping |
Use constants to omit by type
exclude_type varchar2(30) := 'number';
for rws in (
select *
from except_cols_pkg.except_cols ( hr.departments, exclude_type )
fetch first 3 rows only
) loop
dbms_output.put_line ( rws.department_id );
end loop;
Statement processed.
create or replace function except_cols_macro (
tab dbms_tf.table_t,
except_cols dbms_tf.columns_t
) return clob sql_macro is
sql_stmt clob;
column_list clob;
for col in tab.column.first .. tab.column.last loop
if tab.column ( col )
not member of except_cols then
column_list := column_list || ',' || tab.column ( col );
end if;
end loop;
sql_stmt :=
'select ' ||
trim ( both ',' from column_list ) ||
' from tab';
return sql_stmt;
end except_cols_macro;
Function created.
Using SQL maros inside WITH is unsupported
with rws as (
select *
from except_cols_macro ( hr.departments, columns ( department_id ) )
select * from rws
ORA-64630: unsupported use of SQL macro: use of SQL macro inside WITH clause is not supportedMore Details:
Using PTFs inside WITH is supported
with rws as (
select *
from except_cols_pkg.except_cols ( hr.departments, columns ( department_id ) )
select * from rws
DEPARTMENT_NAME | MANAGER_ID | LOCATION_ID | Administration | 200 | 1700 | Marketing | 201 | 1800 | Purchasing | 114 | 1700 | Human Resources | 203 | 2400 | Shipping | 121 | 1500 |
A comprehensive column selection SQL macro
create or replace function Cols(tab DBMS_TF.Table_t,
names DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
not_names DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
names_like DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
not_names_like DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
starts_with DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
not_starts_with DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
ends_with DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
not_ends_with DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
types_like DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
not_types_like DBMS_TF.Columns_t default null,
debug number default 0)
return varchar2 SQL_MACRO
sqm clob := null;
col DBMS_TF.Column_Metadata_t;
function Match(nam varchar2, col DBMS_TF.Columns_t,
flags pls_integer,
flip boolean default false,
upcase boolean default false)
return boolean
lwc constant varchar2(1) := case when bitand(flags,1)!=0 then '%' end;
rwc constant varchar2(1) := case when bitand(flags,2)!=0 then '%' end;
found boolean := false;
if col is null then return true; end if;
for i in 1 .. col.count loop
found := trim('"' from nam)
like lwc||trim('"' from case when upcase then upper(col(i)) else col(i) end)||rwc;
exit when found;
end loop;
return (found and not flip) or (flip and not found);
function NameX(col DBMS_TF.Column_Metadata_t) return boolean is
return Match(, names,0)
and Match(,not_names,0,true);
function NameL(col DBMS_TF.Column_Metadata_t) return boolean is
return Match(, names_like,3)
and Match(,not_names_like,3,true);
function StarW(col DBMS_TF.Column_Metadata_t) return boolean is
return Match(, starts_with,2)
and Match(,not_starts_with,2,true);
function EndW(col DBMS_TF.Column_Metadata_t) return boolean is
return Match(, ends_with,1)
and Match(,not_ends_with,1,true);
function TypeL(col DBMS_TF.Column_Metadata_t) return boolean is
return Match(DBMS_TF.Column_Type_Name(col), types_like,3,false,true)
and Match(DBMS_TF.Column_Type_Name(col),not_types_like,3,true, true);
for i in 1 .. tab.column.count loop
col := tab.column(i).description;
continue when not(NameX(col) and NameL(col) and StarW(col) and EndW(col) and TypeL(col));
sqm := sqm || || ',';
end loop;
if sqm is not null then
sqm := 'select '||rtrim(sqm,',')||' from tab';
sqm := 'select null from dual';
end if;
if (debug <> 0) then dbms_output.put_line(sqm); end if;
return sqm;
Function created.