create or replace package csv_pkg as
/* The describe function defines the new columns */
function describe (
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
col_names varchar2
) return dbms_tf.describe_t;
/* Fetch_rows sets the values for the new columns */
procedure fetch_rows (col_names varchar2);
end csv_pkg;
Package created.
create or replace package body csv_pkg as
function describe(
tab in out dbms_tf.table_t,
col_names varchar2
return dbms_tf.describe_t as
new_cols dbms_tf.columns_new_t;
col_id pls_integer := 2;
/* Enable the source colun for reading */
tab.column(1).pass_through := FALSE;
tab.column(1).for_read := TRUE;
new_cols(1) := tab.column(1).description;
/* Extract the column names from the header string,
creating a new column for each
for j in 1 .. ( length(col_names) - length(replace(col_names,',')) ) + 1 loop
new_cols(col_id) := dbms_tf.column_metadata_t(
name=>regexp_substr(col_names, '[^,]+', 1, j),--'c'||j,
col_id := col_id + 1;
end loop;
return dbms_tf.describe_t( new_columns => new_cols );
procedure fetch_rows (col_names varchar2) as
rowset dbms_tf.row_set_t;
row_count pls_integer;
/* read the input data set */
dbms_tf.get_row_set(rowset, row_count => row_count);
/* Loop through the input rows... */
for i in 1 .. row_count loop
/* ...and the defined columns, extracting the relevant value
start from 2 to skip the input string
for j in 2 .. ( length(col_names) - length(replace(col_names,',')) ) + 2 loop
rowset(j).tab_varchar2(i) :=
regexp_substr(rowset(1).tab_varchar2(i), '[^,]+', 1, j - 1);
end loop;
end loop;
/* Output the new columns and their values */
end csv_pkg;
Package Body created.
create or replace function csv_to_columns(
tab table, col_names varchar2
) return table pipelined row polymorphic using csv_pkg;
Function created.
with csvs as (
select 'two,comma-separated values' str from dual
select *
from csv_to_columns( csvs, 'c1,c2' )
STR | C1 | C2 | two,comma-separated values | two | comma-separated values |
with csvs as (
select 'four,comma,separated,values' str from dual
select *
from csv_to_columns( csvs, 'c1,c2,c3,c4' )
STR | C1 | C2 | C3 | C4 | four,comma,separated,values | four | comma | separated | values |
with csv as (
select dbms_random.string('l', 5) || ',' ||
dbms_random.string('u', 5) || ',' ||
dbms_random.string('a', 5) str
from dual connect by level <= 10
select * from csv_to_columns( csv, 'c1,c2,c3' )
STR | C1 | C2 | C3 | kdpag,HPYEU,BfTln | kdpag | HPYEU | BfTln | itael,ZADMJ,HceLE | itael | ZADMJ | HceLE | dazlo,UHHKW,Deleg | dazlo | UHHKW | Deleg | axdmn,LAEKF,mOIfY | axdmn | LAEKF | mOIfY | kszdf,OJRAE,JqftA | kszdf | OJRAE | JqftA | qbapv,RZPJN,SoNeH | qbapv | RZPJN | SoNeH | grzka,GECGQ,KExDU | grzka | GECGQ | KExDU | lqflv,OYEFW,uDnUp | lqflv | OYEFW | uDnUp | sqjzp,FCTZG,MMFdu | sqjzp | FCTZG | MMFdu | blgpy,EIFTJ,EeDIV | blgpy | EIFTJ | EeDIV |