drop table trips purge
ORA-00942: table or view does not existMore Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00942
create table trips ( trip_date date, trip_count int )
Table created.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-01',21228)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-02',26480)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-03',21597)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-04',14148)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-05',10890)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-06',11443)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-07',18280)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-08',25763)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-09',27817)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-10',30541)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-11',28752)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-12',25936)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-13',21082)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-14',27350)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-15',33845)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-16',28607)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-17',30710)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-18',29860)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-19',25726)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-20',21212)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-21',23578)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-22',29029)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-23',34073)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-24',32050)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-25',29975)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-26',27708)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-27',22590)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-28',23981)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-29',27589)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-30',30740)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-31',33541)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-01',32353)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-02',28678)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-03',23146)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-04',24952)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-05',28094)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-06',30495)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-07',32759)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-08',30411)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-09',26286)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-10',20584)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-11',22632)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-12',29646)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-13',29788)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-14',30457)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-15',28974)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-16',26234)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-17',21209)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-18',21956)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-19',24834)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-20',27955)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-21',32304)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-22',29512)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-23',27097)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-24',22036)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-25',22093)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-26',24550)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-27',27018)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-28',28597)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-29',27424)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-30',23930)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-31',23271)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-01',19961)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-02',28831)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-03',32631)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-04',38360)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-05',42319)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-06',40520)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-07',30134)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-08',30360)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-09',34560)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-10',35910)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-11',36439)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-12',39540)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-13',43205)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-14',28122)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-15',29454)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-16',36092)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-17',35531)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-18',40274)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-19',41017)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-20',38864)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-21',28620)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-22',28312)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-23',30316)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-24',31301)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-25',38203)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-26',37504)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-27',39468)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-28',29656)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-29',29201)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-30',33431)
1 row(s) inserted.
Statement processed.
select * from trips
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 |
nth_value(trip_count,2) over (
order by trip_count
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as low_2
from trips
order by 1
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | LOW_2 | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 11443 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 11443 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 11443 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 11443 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 11443 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 11443 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 11443 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 11443 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 11443 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 11443 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 11443 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 11443 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 11443 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 11443 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 11443 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 11443 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 11443 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 11443 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 11443 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 11443 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 11443 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 11443 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 11443 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 11443 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 11443 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 11443 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 11443 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 11443 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 11443 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 11443 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 11443 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 11443 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 11443 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 11443 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 11443 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 11443 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 11443 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 11443 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 11443 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 11443 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 11443 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 11443 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 11443 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 11443 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 11443 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 11443 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 11443 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 11443 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 11443 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 11443 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 11443 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 11443 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 11443 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 11443 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 11443 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 11443 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 11443 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 11443 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 11443 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 11443 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 11443 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 11443 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 11443 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 11443 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 11443 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 11443 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 11443 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 11443 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 11443 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 11443 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 11443 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 11443 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 11443 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 11443 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 11443 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 11443 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 11443 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 11443 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 11443 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 11443 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 11443 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 11443 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 11443 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 11443 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 11443 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 11443 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 11443 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 11443 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 11443 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 11443 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 11443 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 | 11443 |
trip_count /
nth_value(trip_count,2) over (
order by trip_count
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following )
,2) as pct_comparison
from trips
order by 1
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | PCT_COMPARISON | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 185.51 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 231.41 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 188.74 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 123.64 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 95.17 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 100 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 159.75 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 225.14 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 243.09 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 266.9 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 251.26 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 226.65 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 184.23 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 239.01 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 295.77 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 250 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 268.37 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 260.95 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 224.82 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 185.37 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 206.05 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 253.68 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 297.76 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 280.08 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 261.95 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 242.14 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 197.41 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 209.57 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 241.1 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 268.64 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 293.11 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 282.73 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 250.62 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 202.27 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 218.05 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 245.51 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 266.49 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 286.28 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 265.76 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 229.71 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 179.88 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 197.78 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 259.08 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 260.32 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 266.16 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 253.2 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 229.26 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 185.34 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 191.87 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 217.02 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 244.3 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 282.3 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 257.9 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 236.8 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 192.57 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 193.07 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 214.54 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 236.11 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 249.91 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 239.66 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 209.12 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 203.36 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 174.44 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 251.95 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 285.16 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 335.23 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 369.82 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 354.1 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 263.34 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 265.32 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 302.02 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 313.82 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 318.44 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 345.54 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 377.57 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 245.76 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 257.4 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 315.41 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 310.5 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 351.95 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 358.45 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 339.63 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 250.11 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 247.42 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 264.93 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 273.54 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 333.85 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 327.75 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 344.91 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 259.16 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 255.19 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 | 292.15 |
nth_value(trip_count,2 from last) over (
order by trip_count
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as hi_2
from trips
order by 1
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | HI_2 | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 42319 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 42319 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 42319 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 42319 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 42319 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 42319 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 42319 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 42319 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 42319 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 42319 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 42319 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 42319 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 42319 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 42319 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 42319 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 42319 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 42319 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 42319 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 42319 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 42319 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 42319 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 42319 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 42319 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 42319 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 42319 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 42319 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 42319 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 42319 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 42319 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 42319 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 42319 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 42319 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 42319 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 42319 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 42319 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 42319 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 42319 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 42319 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 42319 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 42319 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 42319 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 42319 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 42319 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 42319 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 42319 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 42319 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 42319 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 42319 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 42319 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 42319 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 42319 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 42319 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 42319 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 42319 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 42319 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 42319 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 42319 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 42319 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 42319 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 42319 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 42319 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 42319 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 42319 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 42319 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 42319 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 42319 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 42319 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 42319 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 42319 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 42319 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 42319 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 42319 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 42319 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 42319 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 42319 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 42319 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 42319 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 42319 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 42319 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 42319 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 42319 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 42319 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 42319 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 42319 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 42319 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 42319 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 42319 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 42319 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 42319 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 42319 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 42319 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 | 42319 |
drop table trips purge
Table dropped.
create table trips ( trip_date date, trip_count int )
Table created.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-01',21228)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-02',26480)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-03',21597)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-04',14148)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-05',10890)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-06',11443)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-07',18280)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-08',25763)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-09',27817)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-10',30541)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-11',28752)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-12',25936)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-13',21082)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-14',27350)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-15',33845)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-16',28607)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-17',30710)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-18',29860)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-19',25726)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-20',21212)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-21',23578)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-22',29029)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-23',34073)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-24',32050)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-25',29975)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-26',27708)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-27',22590)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-28',23981)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-29',27589)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-30',30740)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-07-31',33541)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-01',32353)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-02',28678)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-03',23146)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-04',24952)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-05',28094)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-06',30495)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-07',32759)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-08',30411)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-09',26286)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-10',20584)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-11',22632)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-12',29646)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-13',29788)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-14',30457)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-15',28974)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-16',26234)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-17',21209)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-18',21956)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-19',24834)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-20',27955)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-21',32304)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-22',29512)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-23',27097)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-24',22036)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-25',22093)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-26',24550)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-27',27018)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-28',28597)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-29',27424)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-30',23930)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-08-31',23271)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-01',19961)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-02',28831)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-03',32631)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-04',38360)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-05',42319)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-06',40520)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-07',30134)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-08',30360)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-09',34560)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-10',35910)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-11',36439)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-12',39540)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-13',43205)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-14',28122)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-15',29454)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-16',36092)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-17',35531)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-18',40274)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-19',41017)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-20',38864)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-21',28620)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-22',28312)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-23',30316)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-24',31301)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-25',38203)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-26',37504)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-27',39468)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-28',29656)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-29',29201)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into trips values (date '2014-09-30',33431)
1 row(s) inserted.
Statement processed.
select * from trips
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 |
nth_value(trip_count,2) over (
order by trip_count
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as low_2
from trips
order by 1
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | LOW_2 | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 11443 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 11443 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 11443 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 11443 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 11443 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 11443 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 11443 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 11443 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 11443 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 11443 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 11443 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 11443 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 11443 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 11443 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 11443 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 11443 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 11443 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 11443 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 11443 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 11443 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 11443 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 11443 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 11443 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 11443 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 11443 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 11443 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 11443 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 11443 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 11443 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 11443 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 11443 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 11443 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 11443 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 11443 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 11443 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 11443 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 11443 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 11443 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 11443 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 11443 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 11443 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 11443 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 11443 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 11443 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 11443 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 11443 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 11443 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 11443 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 11443 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 11443 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 11443 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 11443 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 11443 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 11443 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 11443 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 11443 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 11443 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 11443 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 11443 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 11443 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 11443 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 11443 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 11443 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 11443 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 11443 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 11443 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 11443 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 11443 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 11443 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 11443 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 11443 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 11443 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 11443 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 11443 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 11443 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 11443 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 11443 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 11443 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 11443 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 11443 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 11443 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 11443 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 11443 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 11443 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 11443 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 11443 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 11443 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 11443 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 11443 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 11443 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 11443 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 | 11443 |
trip_count /
nth_value(trip_count,2) over (
order by trip_count
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following )
,2) as pct_comparison
from trips
order by 1
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | PCT_COMPARISON | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 185.51 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 231.41 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 188.74 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 123.64 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 95.17 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 100 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 159.75 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 225.14 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 243.09 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 266.9 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 251.26 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 226.65 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 184.23 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 239.01 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 295.77 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 250 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 268.37 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 260.95 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 224.82 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 185.37 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 206.05 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 253.68 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 297.76 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 280.08 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 261.95 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 242.14 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 197.41 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 209.57 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 241.1 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 268.64 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 293.11 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 282.73 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 250.62 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 202.27 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 218.05 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 245.51 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 266.49 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 286.28 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 265.76 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 229.71 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 179.88 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 197.78 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 259.08 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 260.32 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 266.16 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 253.2 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 229.26 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 185.34 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 191.87 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 217.02 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 244.3 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 282.3 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 257.9 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 236.8 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 192.57 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 193.07 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 214.54 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 236.11 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 249.91 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 239.66 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 209.12 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 203.36 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 174.44 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 251.95 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 285.16 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 335.23 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 369.82 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 354.1 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 263.34 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 265.32 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 302.02 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 313.82 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 318.44 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 345.54 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 377.57 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 245.76 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 257.4 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 315.41 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 310.5 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 351.95 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 358.45 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 339.63 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 250.11 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 247.42 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 264.93 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 273.54 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 333.85 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 327.75 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 344.91 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 259.16 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 255.19 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 | 292.15 |
nth_value(trip_count,2 from last) over (
order by trip_count
range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following ) as hi_2
from trips
order by 1
TRIP_DATE | TRIP_COUNT | HI_2 | 01-JUL-14 | 21228 | 42319 | 02-JUL-14 | 26480 | 42319 | 03-JUL-14 | 21597 | 42319 | 04-JUL-14 | 14148 | 42319 | 05-JUL-14 | 10890 | 42319 | 06-JUL-14 | 11443 | 42319 | 07-JUL-14 | 18280 | 42319 | 08-JUL-14 | 25763 | 42319 | 09-JUL-14 | 27817 | 42319 | 10-JUL-14 | 30541 | 42319 | 11-JUL-14 | 28752 | 42319 | 12-JUL-14 | 25936 | 42319 | 13-JUL-14 | 21082 | 42319 | 14-JUL-14 | 27350 | 42319 | 15-JUL-14 | 33845 | 42319 | 16-JUL-14 | 28607 | 42319 | 17-JUL-14 | 30710 | 42319 | 18-JUL-14 | 29860 | 42319 | 19-JUL-14 | 25726 | 42319 | 20-JUL-14 | 21212 | 42319 | 21-JUL-14 | 23578 | 42319 | 22-JUL-14 | 29029 | 42319 | 23-JUL-14 | 34073 | 42319 | 24-JUL-14 | 32050 | 42319 | 25-JUL-14 | 29975 | 42319 | 26-JUL-14 | 27708 | 42319 | 27-JUL-14 | 22590 | 42319 | 28-JUL-14 | 23981 | 42319 | 29-JUL-14 | 27589 | 42319 | 30-JUL-14 | 30740 | 42319 | 31-JUL-14 | 33541 | 42319 | 01-AUG-14 | 32353 | 42319 | 02-AUG-14 | 28678 | 42319 | 03-AUG-14 | 23146 | 42319 | 04-AUG-14 | 24952 | 42319 | 05-AUG-14 | 28094 | 42319 | 06-AUG-14 | 30495 | 42319 | 07-AUG-14 | 32759 | 42319 | 08-AUG-14 | 30411 | 42319 | 09-AUG-14 | 26286 | 42319 | 10-AUG-14 | 20584 | 42319 | 11-AUG-14 | 22632 | 42319 | 12-AUG-14 | 29646 | 42319 | 13-AUG-14 | 29788 | 42319 | 14-AUG-14 | 30457 | 42319 | 15-AUG-14 | 28974 | 42319 | 16-AUG-14 | 26234 | 42319 | 17-AUG-14 | 21209 | 42319 | 18-AUG-14 | 21956 | 42319 | 19-AUG-14 | 24834 | 42319 | 20-AUG-14 | 27955 | 42319 | 21-AUG-14 | 32304 | 42319 | 22-AUG-14 | 29512 | 42319 | 23-AUG-14 | 27097 | 42319 | 24-AUG-14 | 22036 | 42319 | 25-AUG-14 | 22093 | 42319 | 26-AUG-14 | 24550 | 42319 | 27-AUG-14 | 27018 | 42319 | 28-AUG-14 | 28597 | 42319 | 29-AUG-14 | 27424 | 42319 | 30-AUG-14 | 23930 | 42319 | 31-AUG-14 | 23271 | 42319 | 01-SEP-14 | 19961 | 42319 | 02-SEP-14 | 28831 | 42319 | 03-SEP-14 | 32631 | 42319 | 04-SEP-14 | 38360 | 42319 | 05-SEP-14 | 42319 | 42319 | 06-SEP-14 | 40520 | 42319 | 07-SEP-14 | 30134 | 42319 | 08-SEP-14 | 30360 | 42319 | 09-SEP-14 | 34560 | 42319 | 10-SEP-14 | 35910 | 42319 | 11-SEP-14 | 36439 | 42319 | 12-SEP-14 | 39540 | 42319 | 13-SEP-14 | 43205 | 42319 | 14-SEP-14 | 28122 | 42319 | 15-SEP-14 | 29454 | 42319 | 16-SEP-14 | 36092 | 42319 | 17-SEP-14 | 35531 | 42319 | 18-SEP-14 | 40274 | 42319 | 19-SEP-14 | 41017 | 42319 | 20-SEP-14 | 38864 | 42319 | 21-SEP-14 | 28620 | 42319 | 22-SEP-14 | 28312 | 42319 | 23-SEP-14 | 30316 | 42319 | 24-SEP-14 | 31301 | 42319 | 25-SEP-14 | 38203 | 42319 | 26-SEP-14 | 37504 | 42319 | 27-SEP-14 | 39468 | 42319 | 28-SEP-14 | 29656 | 42319 | 29-SEP-14 | 29201 | 42319 | 30-SEP-14 | 33431 | 42319 |