drop table planets cascade constraints purge
ORA-00942: table or view does not existMore Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00942
create table planets ( name varchar2(20) primary key )
Table created.
insert into planets values ('Mercury')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Venus')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Earth')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Eris')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Haumea')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Jupiter')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Mars')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Neptune')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Pluto')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Saturn')
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into planets values ('Uranus')
1 row(s) inserted.
drop table moons purge
ORA-00942: table or view does not existMore Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00942
create table moons ( planet_name varchar2(20) references planets ( name ), name varchar2(20) primary key , radius number(12,2) )
Table created.
insert into moons values ('','',)
ORA-00936: missing expressionMore Details: https://docs.oracle.com/error-help/db/ora-00936
insert into moons values ('Earth','Moon',1737.1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Eris','Dysnomia',342)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Haumea','Hi?iaka',195)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Haumea','Namaka',100)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Adrastea',8.2 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Aitne',1.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Amalthea',83.45 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Ananke',14)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Aoede',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Arche',1.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Autonoe',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Callirrhoe',4.3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Callisto',2408.4 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Carme',23)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Carpo',1.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Chaldene',1.9)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Cyllene',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Dia',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Elara',43)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Erinome',1.6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Euanthe',1.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Eukelade',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Euporie',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Europa',1560.7 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Eurydome',1.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Ganymede',2634.1 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Harpalyke',2.2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Hegemone',1.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Helike',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Hermippe',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Herse',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Himalia',67 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Io',1818.1 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Iocaste',2.6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Isonoe',1.9)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Kale',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Kallichore',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Kalyke',2.6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Kore',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Leda',10)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Lysithea',18)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Megaclite',2.7)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Metis',21.5 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Mneme',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Orthosie',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Pasiphae',30)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Pasithee',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Praxidike',3.4)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 10',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 12',0.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 15',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 16',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 18',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 19',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 2',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 23',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 3',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 4',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 5',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2003 J 9',0.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2010 J 1',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2010 J 2',0.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2011 J 1',0.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','S/2011 J 2',0.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Sinope',19)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Sponde',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Taygete',2.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Thebe',49.3 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Thelxinoe',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Themisto',4)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Jupiter','Thyone',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Mars','Deimos',6.2 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Mars','Phobos',11.1 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Despina',75 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Galatea',88 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Halimede',31)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Laomedeia',21)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Larissa',97 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Naiad',33 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Nereid',170 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Neso',30)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Proteus',210 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Psamathe',20)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','S/2004 N 1',8)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Sao',22)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Thalassa',41 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Neptune','Triton',1353.4 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Pluto','Charon',603.6 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Pluto','Hydra',30.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Pluto','Kerberos',6.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Pluto','Nix',23)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Pluto','Styx',5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Aegaeon',0.25)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Aegir',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Albiorix',16)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Anthe',1)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Atlas',15.3 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Bebhionn',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Bergelmir',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Bestla',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Calypso',9.5 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Daphnis',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Dione',562.5 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Enceladus',252.3 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Epimetheus',58.3 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Erriapus',5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Farbauti',2.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Fenrir',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Fornjot',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Greip',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Hati',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Helene',16 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Hyperion',133.0 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Hyrrokkin',4)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Iapetus',734.5 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Ijiraq',6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Janus',90.4 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Jarnsaxa',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Kari',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Kiviuq',8)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Loge',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Methone',1.6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Mimas',198.2 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Mundilfari',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Narvi',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Paaliaq',11)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Pallene',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Pan',12.8)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Pandora',40.6 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Phoebe',106.6 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Polydeuces',1.25)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Prometheus',46.8 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Rhea',764.5 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2004 S 12',2.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2004 S 13',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2004 S 17',2)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2004 S 7',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2006 S 1',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2006 S 3',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2007 S 2',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2007 S 3',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','S/2009 S 1',0.15)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Siarnaq',20)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Skathi',4)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Skoll',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Surtur',3)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Suttungr',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Tarqeq',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Tarvos',7.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Telesto',12 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Tethys',536.3 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Thrymr',3.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Titan',2575.5 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Saturn','Ymir',9)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Ariel',578.9 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Belinda',40.3 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Bianca',25.7 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Caliban',49)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Cordelia',20.1 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Cressida',39.8 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Cupid',5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Desdemona',32.0 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Ferdinand',6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Francisco',6)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Juliet',46.8 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Mab',5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Margaret',5.5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Miranda',235.8 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Oberon',761.4 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Ophelia',21.4 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Perdita',10)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Portia',67.6 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Prospero',15)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Puck',81 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Rosalind',36 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Setebos',15)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Stephano',10)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Sycorax',75)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Titania',788.9 )
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Trinculo',5)
1 row(s) inserted.
insert into moons values ('Uranus','Umbriel',584.7 )
1 row(s) inserted.
Statement processed.
select p.name planet, m.name, m.radius,
row_number() over ( order by radius desc ) as size_rank
from planets p, moons m
where p.name = m.planet_name(+)
and p.name in ('Mars','Venus','Pluto','Mercury','Neptune')
order by size_rank
PLANET | NAME | RADIUS | SIZE_RANK | Venus | - | - | 1 | Mercury | - | - | 2 | Neptune | Triton | 1353.4 | 3 | Pluto | Charon | 603.6 | 4 | Neptune | Proteus | 210 | 5 | Neptune | Nereid | 170 | 6 | Neptune | Larissa | 97 | 7 | Neptune | Galatea | 88 | 8 | Neptune | Despina | 75 | 9 | Neptune | Thalassa | 41 | 10 | Neptune | Naiad | 33 | 11 | Neptune | Halimede | 31 | 12 | Pluto | Hydra | 30.5 | 13 | Neptune | Neso | 30 | 14 | Pluto | Nix | 23 | 15 | Neptune | Sao | 22 | 16 | Neptune | Laomedeia | 21 | 17 | Neptune | Psamathe | 20 | 18 | Mars | Phobos | 11.1 | 19 | Neptune | S/2004 N 1 | 8 | 20 | Pluto | Kerberos | 6.5 | 21 | Mars | Deimos | 6.2 | 22 | Pluto | Styx | 5 | 23 |
select p.name planet, m.name, m.radius,
row_number() over ( order by radius desc NULLS LAST ) as size_rank
from planets p, moons m
where p.name = m.planet_name(+)
and p.name in ('Mars','Venus','Pluto','Mercury','Neptune')
PLANET | NAME | RADIUS | SIZE_RANK | Neptune | Triton | 1353.4 | 1 | Pluto | Charon | 603.6 | 2 | Neptune | Proteus | 210 | 3 | Neptune | Nereid | 170 | 4 | Neptune | Larissa | 97 | 5 | Neptune | Galatea | 88 | 6 | Neptune | Despina | 75 | 7 | Neptune | Thalassa | 41 | 8 | Neptune | Naiad | 33 | 9 | Neptune | Halimede | 31 | 10 | Pluto | Hydra | 30.5 | 11 | Neptune | Neso | 30 | 12 | Pluto | Nix | 23 | 13 | Neptune | Sao | 22 | 14 | Neptune | Laomedeia | 21 | 15 | Neptune | Psamathe | 20 | 16 | Mars | Phobos | 11.1 | 17 | Neptune | S/2004 N 1 | 8 | 18 | Pluto | Kerberos | 6.5 | 19 | Mars | Deimos | 6.2 | 20 | Pluto | Styx | 5 | 21 | Mercury | - | - | 22 | Venus | - | - | 23 |
select p.name planet, m.name, m.radius,
rank() over ( order by radius desc ) as size_rank
from planets p, moons m
where p.name = m.planet_name(+)
and p.name in ('Mars','Venus','Pluto','Mercury','Neptune')
order by size_rank
PLANET | NAME | RADIUS | SIZE_RANK | Venus | - | - | 1 | Mercury | - | - | 1 | Neptune | Triton | 1353.4 | 3 | Pluto | Charon | 603.6 | 4 | Neptune | Proteus | 210 | 5 | Neptune | Nereid | 170 | 6 | Neptune | Larissa | 97 | 7 | Neptune | Galatea | 88 | 8 | Neptune | Despina | 75 | 9 | Neptune | Thalassa | 41 | 10 | Neptune | Naiad | 33 | 11 | Neptune | Halimede | 31 | 12 | Pluto | Hydra | 30.5 | 13 | Neptune | Neso | 30 | 14 | Pluto | Nix | 23 | 15 | Neptune | Sao | 22 | 16 | Neptune | Laomedeia | 21 | 17 | Neptune | Psamathe | 20 | 18 | Mars | Phobos | 11.1 | 19 | Neptune | S/2004 N 1 | 8 | 20 | Pluto | Kerberos | 6.5 | 21 | Mars | Deimos | 6.2 | 22 | Pluto | Styx | 5 | 23 |