REM Count how many letter there are
Count how many letter there are
select regexp_count('ABC123', '[A-Z]'), /* This matches "A", "B" & "C" so returns 3 */
regexp_count('A1B2C3', '[A-Z]') /* This matches "A", "B" & "C" so returns 3 */
from dual
REM Count how many times one letter is followed by one number
Count how many times one letter is followed by one number
select regexp_count('ABC123', '[A-Z][0-9]'), /* This matches "C1" so returns 1 */
regexp_count('A1B2C3', '[A-Z][0-9]') /* This matches "A1", "B2" & "C3" so returns 3 */
from dual
REGEXP_COUNT('ABC123','[A-Z][0-9]') | REGEXP_COUNT('A1B2C3','[A-Z][0-9]')/*THISMATCHES"A1","B2"&"C3"SORETURNS3*/ | 1 | 3 |
REM Count how many times one letter is followed by one number at the start of a string
Count how many times one letter is followed by one number at the start of a string
select regexp_count('ABC123', '^[A-Z][0-9]') /* This has no match so returns 0 */,
regexp_count('A1B2C3', '^[A-Z][0-9]') /* This matches "A1" so returns 1 */
from dual
REM Count how many times a letter is followed by exactly two numbers
Count how many times a letter is followed by exactly two numbers
select regexp_count('ABC123', '[A-Z][0-9]{2}'), /* This matches "C12" so returns 1 */
regexp_count('A1B2C3', '[A-Z][0-9]{2}') /* This has no match so returns 0 */
from dual
REGEXP_COUNT('ABC123','[A-Z][0-9]{2}') | REGEXP_COUNT('A1B2C3','[A-Z][0-9]{2}')/*THISHASNOMATCHSORETURNS0*/ | 1 | 0 |
REM Count how many times there are two occurrences of one letter followed by one number
Count how many times there are two occurrences of one letter followed by one number
select regexp_count('ABC123', '([A-Z][0-9]){2}'), /* This has no match so returns 0 */
regexp_count('A1B2C3', '([A-Z][0-9]){2}') /* This matches "A1B2" so returns 1 */
from dual
REGEXP_COUNT('ABC123','([A-Z][0-9]){2}') | REGEXP_COUNT('A1B2C3','([A-Z][0-9]){2}')/*THISMATCHES"A1B2"SORETURNS1*/ | 0 | 1 |